Driver’s Training and Education – Alberta’s Road Safety Regime

The driver training in Calgary that we offer at Driving 101 is regarded as being among the best since we carefully examine each student’s cognitive ability and psychological makeup to formulate their training procedure.

Calgary driver training is a fantastic two-part program that includes a 15-hour knowledge component and a 10-hour practical driving component.

Part I is the essential and important theoretical knowledge part which updates on the mechanics and basic maintenance, road safety  traffic rules and road sign, and dashboard instrument reading.

This course can also be completed online and obtain the mandatory course completion certificate.

Part II of the drivers training Calgary syllabus is the instructor-supervised hands-on-behind-the-wheels practical driving training sessions. This session trains the students on how to drive safely and responsibly using safe driving methods and maneuvers in real-time traffic conditions.

Driving 101 also offers Alberta-approved driver education Calgary syllabus that highlights unsafe driving behaviors and unrestrained driving.

Drivers education Calgary is a mandatory 8 hours plus in-class or online lecture and video sessions course, divided into hourly segments.

Driver education course makes the driving students aware of fatal risks involved in reckless impulsive driving.

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